Return Policy

Travertine Mart has a 31-day Money Back Guarantee for Delivery Now orders. Any and all requests for returns must be submitted in writing and approved by Travertine Mart in writing within 31 days of delivery of the material to the Customer. The product must be returned in its entirety, in its original form and in the same condition as when it arrived at the original destination and must not have been installed, removed and then returned. The product returned must match the product authorized for return. Travertine Mart will arrange for pick-up of the product. Customer must pay all Return Shipping Fees to ship the material back to and to be unloaded at Travertine Mart’s warehouse. If Travertine Mart sent you the wrong material for any reason then Travertine Mart will assume all shipping expenses.

This Return Policy does not apply to Standard Grade materials, clearance items, custom orders, previously installed or sealed or treated materials. These items are treated as final sale.

Due to the nature of Pre-Order prices, any Pre-Orders that are cancelled after payment is received, or returned within our 31-day Return Policy will be charged a 25% restocking fee. Custom orders may not be cancelled or returned.

Container Orders shipping directly from factory to customer’s port of choice cannot be returned or cancelled once production has taken place. All custom order and container order deposits are non-refundable.

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