Design Ideas

4 ways to increase your home’s value

The state of the current housing market can make selling a home can seem like a daunting task. With springtime just around the corner, however, many homeowners are ramping up their plans for improving their homes with the intention of putting them on the market. If you, too, are making plans to renovate your home with the hopes of increasing its for-sale value, there are a few relatively inexpensive steps you can take to ensure that you get a fair price at sale time. Here are four simple steps you can take to make your home more attractive to potential buyers, with the aim of increasing your household's bottom line.

1. Talk to a design professional: Many homeowners forego this step because it seems like a costly and unnecessary expense, however taking tips from the pros can save you big time in the long run. A consultation with one or more design experts can help you find simple and cost-effective ways to update your home with the end goal of increasing your sale price. For example, a designer may point out that a simple stone backsplash made from travertine tile can add an inspired look to your kitchen or bathroom for minimal expense – or that replacing your loud wall colors with neutrals may appeal to a wider range of buyers.

2. Hire a building inspector: This may also initially seem like an extra and unnecessary expense, but it could save you time, money and embarrassment during an actual sale. Prospective home buyers are sure to insist upon a home inspection before committing to a purchase – and you don't want anything to take you by surprise at this crucial stage. Things a home inspector may turn up – that could damage your chance at a sale – include deteriorating roofing or floors, termite infestation, mold, outdated electrical or heating systems and more.

3. Ditch the plastic flooring: Plastic flooring may seem cost-effective, but in truth it is cheap-looking and potentially bad for your health. Recent asthma-related health concerns about the chemicals used in PVC may make your vinyl flooring unappealing to buyers, and suggest replacing it with beautiful and affordable travertine tile instead. Natural tile or stone flooring instantly adds elegance and value to your home – and is an incredibly attractive feature for buyers. Hardwood floors also make an appealing option to those looking to buy a new home.

4. Enhance your curb appeal: Many buying prospects make snap decisions about a home after viewing the exterior. Make sure that your home presents its best face so that prospects aren't automatically turned off before even stepping in the doorway. Trim your grass, clean up any flower beds and be careful to keep all toys and kitschy yard ornaments away from the first line of sight. Patios should be clean and clear of any debris, and there shouldn't be any broken stones or pavers. If your walkway or patio is in a crumbling state of disrepair, you may want to consider replacing it before putting your home on the market. Travertine pavers are durable, high-quality stones that will last forever and add considerable value – both to your curb appeal and your sell price.

Renovating your home can seem stressful, but it's also incredibly gratifying – especially when it increases your bank account. Take these ideas into consideration and listen carefully to what the professionals have to say before listing your home, and you'll be sure to reap the rewards at the time of sale.

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