Design Ideas

Tips for decorating for a blended family

If you’re thinking about purchasing a new home, one of the first things you should do is look at the floors. Do they have a look that you want? If not, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t purchase it, because you can replace many of the floors in your home with decorative travertine tiles. One of the best things about this type of tile is that it’s so versatile it will fit into the look of any new home you buy, regardless of what’s already there and what you plan on changing.

Decorating a new home can be difficult, but it can be even more challenging if you’re purchasing a place with your stepfamily for the first time. Recently, interior decorators with Decor&You released a statement explaining that, these days, more blended families than ever are starting over in a new home, which can bring with it some decorating difficulties.

“The process of starting a life over with a stepfamily in a new home can be both exciting and challenging,” said Decor&You founder and CEO Karen Powell. “Whether you are moving across the country or across town, the pressures of blending two families can be stressful on everyone. It’s important to make sure every family member has a voice in choosing the new residence and creating an environment that everyone can call home.”

Consider the floor plan – One recommendation the decorators made for how to make this type of transition go smoothly is to try and find a home with as many bedrooms and bathrooms as you can afford. This way, people can get used to the new living arrangements without crowding one another.

Decorating plans should involve everyone – Another important part of making sure everyone is comfortable with the new home is to get everyone involved in the decorating plans. Ask your family before you decide on where to put natural stone pavers in your yard, or if they have any backyard design ideas. Or, get an array of travertine tiles to choose from and ask them where they think they’ll look best in your home.

Make room for kids – If you have children to consider, you want this move to go as smoothly as possible for them. One of the best ways to do this is to make sure your home decor has space for kids to just be kids. HGTV recommended that you make room in your common area for kids to play together, rather than always forcing them to stay in their bedrooms or in the basement. To do this, consider keeping your furniture away from the walls to create distinct corners in your living room where kids can put down a blanket and play away from all of the action going on in the middle of the room. Also, don’t have too many things in your living room that kids can’t touch or play with. The more they’re encouraged to touch things, the sooner they’ll get tired of them.

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