How to Save Money on Your Travertine Paver Project

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The fact is that everyone has different budgets to work with when remodeling their patios. To some, no expense is spared; to others, they need to save money where they can. Whether it’s a DIY project, or you have hired a contractor, it’s good to know some simple cost-saving techniques. At the end of the day, we all want a beautiful patio but that doesn’t mean you have to break the bank getting it.

Consider this: The standard method of paving stairs is to use Travertine Pool Coping as Stair Treads (which are actually the same thing), but have you ever thought about using Travertine Pavers directly on the stairs? Some clients actually prefer the straight edge and think it gives the project a more modern look.  Any square or rectangular Travertine Paver would work, such as an 8×8 or 16×16 size. Give it an inch of an overhang and there you have it!

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