Travertine Installation

What is travertine?

Many people come across the term "travertine" while looking at tile and paver options for their next home improvement. If you've seen the term but weren't exactly sure what travertine is, you've come to the right place! Travertine is a type of limestone that has been deposited by a mineral spring, which is what's responsible for it's smooth finish and coloring. Travertine is a 100 percent natural rock formation and is not manufactured from a composite mixture.

Travertine has a long and rich history as a building material, and was used centuries ago in Ancient Rome. Many famous structures, including the Colosseum, were made using travertine stone – a testament to travertine's long-lasting abilities.

Why is travertine different colors?
Travertine comes in a variety of colors and shades – in fact, just about every travertine tile or paver features coloring that is slightly unique. This is because it is a sedimentary stone, which means that it absorbs coloring from nearby minerals, such as iron ore. When iron deposits are located near travertine deposits, the iron oxide leaks its coloring into the limestone, causing these slight and often stunning variations.

Many other mineral deposits can contribute to travertine's coloring as well. Because of this, travertine can often be found in a variety of shades, from lightest ivory to darker walnut shades, to even darker brown or red-hued stones.

What are the benefits of using travertine?
Opting to use travertine tiles or pavers for your DIY home renovation project can offer a number of benefits. First, natural travertine stone is beautiful and elegant, creating a classic look for your home that will never go out of style. Friends and family members will "oh" and "ah" when they see it in your home or yard. Second, travertine tile is incredibly durable, meaning it won't crack, break or erode over time.

Because travertine is a long-lasting building material, the cost of travertine stones – which is just pennies per square foot more than man-made composite building materials like brick or concrete – is actually more affordable in the long run, as you'll probably never need to install another tile floor, patio, walkway or driveway ever again.

Travertine is also slip-resistant, meaning it can be used safely in bathrooms and near pool areas. If you use a high-quality sealer, travertine is also incredibly resistant to stains, and requires very little regular maintenance to stay beautiful.

How do I install travertine?
Travertine can be installed using either the dry-set or mud-set methods. Dry-set travertine is an easy installation methods that is perfect for those living in warmer climates. Those living in colder, Northern climates should use the mud-set method, which helps protect tiles and pavers from the winter freeze-and-thaw cycle. During this cycle, pavers absorb water that freezes, putting pressure on the stones and eventually causing fractures and breakages. Travertine tiles and pavers are exceptionally tolerant of this yearly cycle, however, and when they are installed properly they are almost impossible to fracture or break. This means you won't have to worry about re-doing your patio or walkway every year, as you might with brick, concrete or other composite stones.

If you'd like to learn even more about travertine, and find out which type of stones or tiles are best for your home improvement project, talk to the friendly experts at Travertine Mart. These professionals can help you decide exactly which shade, style and pattern will best fit your DIY travertine installation needs. Call or visit their website today!

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