Travertine Pavers

3 reasons why travertine pavers will benefit your garage

When the weather is nice, you may be more apt to leave your garage wide open. This may lead you to consider methods of improving this area, and what better way to do so than with some new travertine pavers?

Here are three benefits to integrating these handy tiles into this space.

1. They’ll improve your garage’s aesthetic
Yes, it’s true – in addition to being useful, garages can be stylish as well. Annie Selke told HouseBeautiful that she remodeled her garage to allow it to serve as a colorful and functional home office and storage room.

If you’re interested in following Selke’s lead, start with the floor and install travertine pavers of your choosing. Here’s a tip: Consider how you want the rest of the garage to look beforehand and pick the perfect shade to complement the decor.

2. They prevent slippage
Not only can travertine pavers add some character to your garage, they can also reduce the likelihood that a person will slip. This can come in handy when you’re doing a thoroughly cleaning of your garage and hosing down the floor. Additionally, because they provide plenty of grip, you and your family won’t have to worry about losing your footing when passing through this room.

3. They protect feet from the heat
Depending on the way the sun hits your garage, sun rays may sneak inside and heat up the floor. This can make walking barefoot unpleasant, especially if you’re not expecting it. However, with travertine pavers, this will not be a problem. These stone products absorb the coolness of the earth beneath them and therefore don’t soak up the sunlight and get hot like others do.

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