Travertine Tile

Decorating ideas that are great for every home

One of the best things about travertine tiles is that they can look great in any room. That's because these tiles come in a variety of neutral colors that can compliment any color scheme you may have. Everyone has a different style, but there are some decor tips that work for any space. 

Have your curtains touch the floor
The Huffington Post stated that curtains should always at least slightly touch the floor. The news source explained that if you hang curtain rods a little above the window and have curtains that go to the floor, the ceiling of a room with appear higher than it actually is, giving the illusion of more space.

'Griege' is a great color to paint any room
Many people have trouble deciding on what color they want to paint a room, but they know they do not want white walls. The Huffington Post recommended that these people choose a shade of "griege," which is white mixed with beige. 

Always use a statement piece
If you do choose to have neutral-colored walls throughout your home, Real Simple magazine recommends that each room has its own statement piece. For example, you could have a large painting in your living room or a detailed mirror in your bathroom. 

Make rooms multi-functional
If you think about it, how often do you really use your dining room for family meals? While some people may choose to eat in their dining rooms every night, others usually just save them for special occasions. Other people may have a fancy living room that they never use because they always spend time in their family room instead. If you have a room or several in your home that you don't use for their intended purposes, you should make these spaces multi-functional instead. For example, place a few easily removable office lamps in the dining room to give it better light so kids can do homework in it, or add a desk to your living room for the same purpose.

Let rooms have a little joy
All rooms should have a touch of joy in them to brighten things up. Real Simple explained that one fun way to brighten up a child's bedroom is to place a wicker swing in it. If these seems like a little too much for you, consider getting appliances for your kitchen in bright, zany colors. If you have travertine tile in the kitchen, any colors you choose will look great!

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