Travertine Tile

Travertine tile vs ceramic tile for outdoor patio usage

So you've decided that you like the look of tile over pavers for your outdoor patio, but you aren't sure which type of tiles make the most sense for your DIY renovation project. The good news is that tiles can indeed be used effectively to make your outdoor living space look spectacular. However, the decision-making portion of your project isn't over yet – there's still a number of different tiles for you to choose from!

Many homeowners find themselves choosing between two popular types of tile: ceramic and travertine. Both types of tile can make a beautiful statement in your outdoor living space – but before you decide, there are a few things you'll need to know.

Limitations of ceramic tiles
Ceramic tiles are beautiful and come in a wide variety of styles and colors, which may make it seem tempting when considering how best to renovate your outdoor living space. One major drawback to using ceramic tiles out of doors, however, is that they can become incredibly slippery when wet. If you live in an area that sees frequent rainfall or have a pool by your patio, this could make the tiles dangerous – especially for young children and older adults.

In addition, ceramic tiles can crack quite easily, especially when exposed to the colder temperatures that are associated with the yearly freeze-and-thaw season. If you live in a region that experienced seasonal freezing, you may find yourself having to replace tiles or even entire portions of your patio each year. This can be both cost-prohibitive and exhausting over time!

Finally, while the lovely colors available in ceramic may seem like a cheap and easy way to add some vivacity to your outdoor patio, the unfortunate truth is that they can become sun-bleached and fade over time. If the space is exposed to direct sunlight, this may leave your vibrant patio area looking lackluster and wan after just a few years.

Benefits of travertine tiles
Travertine tiles, on the other hand, offer a perfect solution to your outdoor patio renovation needs. Travertine is an attractive natural stone that can add a touch of simple elegance to any outdoor project. Because its colors are found in nature, the tiles are able to blend harmoniously into any established living space, while allowing your choices in decor to shine.

In addition to its loveliness, travertine is also incredibly durable and able to stand the test of time. Unlike ceramic tile, travertine can hold up to 8,000 pounds per square inch, making it incredibly difficult to break or crack. Travertine is also able to withstand the cold weather, and won't fracture due to the yearly freeze-and-thaw cycle. Travertine is so durable, in fact, that it was among the preferred building mediums of Ancient Rome, and many of the most famous buildings were made using travertine stone.

Travertine tiles are also available with brushed and chiseled edges, which helps provide traction and prevent against slips and falls. If you're looking to install your outdoor patio by the pool, these chiseled edges will help keep kids and other family members safe.

Consider cost savings
One of the primary reasons people consider ceramic tile for outdoor patio projects is because it seems cost-effective at first glance. However, when you consider the cost of maintaining and replacing ceramic tiles over the years, the story starts to shift. Travertine tiles cost only pennies more per square foot, and you'll never need to replace them due to breakage, staining or bleaching. If you want your renovation to last, travertine tiles offer the best bargain for your money.

Contact Travertine Mart to learn even more about using travertine tiles for your outdoor renovation project and get a price estimate for your project today.

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