DIY, Travertine Installation

DIY Travertine Paver Installation Techniques: Sudbury, MA

Premium Select French Pattern Walnut Tumbled Travertine Pavers Patio

Here at Travertine Mart we wanted to share with our current and future clients Do-it-Yourself Installation Techniques.

These are methods that our clients have found useful when installing Travertine Pavers, Travertine Tiles and Pool Coping.

Please keep in mind that it is always best to check with a local installer in your area that is licensed, insured and experienced in Travertine Paver Installation.

Today’s post is by Nick in Sudbury, MA. After much research, he believes that the below installation method is the answer for those who has concerns about freeze thaw cycles and travertine pavers installation in other colder climates such as New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia as well as Massachusetts.

Below is the process he followed to install our Premium Select French Pattern Walnut Tumbled Travertine Pavers:

1. I laid 8″ – 10″ base of “Crusher Run” (from stone dust up to 3/4″ stone), packed very hard. It sat like this for a week – rain, sun, compaction.

2. Next, I used stone dust to level off the highs and the lows and I fine-tuned the pitching, bringing the height to 3/4″ below the bottom of the tile.

3. Then, I laid 3/4″ of sand.  Spread evenly.

4. I began to lay the Travertine Pavers.

5. After everything was in place, I laid large sheets of cardboard down on top of the Travertine Pavers and I ran the vibrator- compactor over it several times. (I tried several different methods but cardboard worked the best.  There were no problems with the pavers cracking or scratching the finish).

6.  To finish, I swept in polymetric sand between joints and then re-compacted.  I did this twice.  then sprayed a light mist of water to let the polymetric sand set.

“It has been over a year since the install. We have been through one very bad winter (cold and a record amount of snow) and the patio is perfect. ”

French Pattern Walnut Tumbled Travertine Pavers

Premium Select French Pattern Walnut Tumbled Travertine Pavers Patio












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