Design Ideas, Travertine Installation

Transform that awkwardly shaped room into a comfortable space

Just about every home has one – a tiny, awkwardly shaped room that seems impossible to decorate and furnish.

Or is it? Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Consider your colors

Different colors can have a drastic impact on your perception of an object’s size and shape.

For instance, darker colors call attention to an area’s borders before drawing the eye inward, creating a visual illusion of reduced space. Alternately, lighter hues can direct the eye outward while glancing over the room’s limitations, making the area feel more comfortable.

Consider using shades like white, beige, light blue, gray and yellow to paint the walls in this room. Travertine tiles can also provide a light tan or brown hue that will help the room feel more expansive when paired with similar natural shade in furnishings and wall colors.

Emphasize the flow of light

Much like colors, lighting can significantly open up a tiny space. This is why emphasizing any windows in the room is sure to make the area seem larger. Not only do windows let in warm, natural light, but they make the scene outdoors part of the room.

Framing these portals with light, translucent curtains can provide added decoration without blocking the view or flow of sunlight. Travertine installation can reflect natural light for a warm, comfortable glow in the room.

Similarly, employing mirrors in your home can also create a sense of enhanced space. This is because mirrors function similarly to windows in a tiny room by reflecting natural illumination throughout the area. Additionally, mirrors can trick your eye into seeing the room as slightly larger, even if your mind understands it’s just a reflection.

Rearrange your furniture

In a normal size room, people have a tendency to push furniture against the walls to leave plenty of open space for movement. Believe it or not, in a smaller room, doing the opposite can make the dimensions seem more spacious. Consider pulling your sofas, chairs and tables away from the walls a bit and toward the center of the room.

There might be less central space, but this dynamic arrangement can actually make the room feel less cramped. This is partially due to the unconventional design as well as the added space perceived behind the furniture.

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