Design Ideas, Travertine Installation, Travertine Tile

Transform your office with tile and paint

The look of an office can have a definite effect on the mood of its employees. By updating this atmosphere with simple changes, from installing travertine tiles to painting the walls, your office productivity may increase.

Elevate the entire work experience, from the moment employees walk in to work to when they leave, with certain tweaks to the interior design of the office.

Start in reception
It goes without saying that the mood upon strolling into the office in the morning can vary. With the right aesthetic, those less enthusiastic feelings can be refueled.

First and foremost, a paint-job is an easy way to transform a reception area.

Brighter colors can provide you with a start, as long as they aren’t overwhelming to the senses. If you’re looking for a calm effect, go with cool colors such as light blues or grays. Implementing warmer tones, however, can work to wake up tired eyes and get minds in motion.

Travertine installation will also elevate your office’s look. Switching out carpeting in a reception area for polished tiles provides a clean cut look that is pleasing to the eye.

This look will put employees at ease, but it can also be impressive for those visiting. Make a good impression with this segment of the office. A floor of honed stone tiles coupled with just the right color on the wall aptly accomplishes this.

In the office itself
Carry the effect established in reception into the office area itself. Though these corporate spaces vary, there is always room for design improvements.

Use the walls of the office as a place to update. One route to take with this is in repainting the area. As colors do have an effect on mood, use them in the work area itself.

Try using lighter hues to make a more positive atmosphere. Be innovative with this: a solid green might do the trick to instill focus. A reddish tone could get creative juices flowing.

If you’re interested in something different, a wall with travertine tiles adds a unique edge to the corporate environment. With its natural appearance, the stone effortlessly has the same mood-changing effect that fresh paint does.

Especially if you don’t want to fuss with color, the hues of these tiles give off an antique, yet tasteful, look to the office area. Additionally, the tiles are durable. You won’t have to worry about touching up the walls after a few months of wear and tear.

Whichever direction you’ve decided on, use your office’s design to make employees feel good about the place they work in. This positivity will likely lend to better performance.

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