Design Ideas, Travertine Installation, Travertine Pool Coping

3 reasons travertine tiles are great for health spas

Whether you operate a hotel, health club or are a private homeowner, there’s no doubt that investing in a spa can bring a luxurious sophistication to your premises. A spa is more than just a place where you can enjoy a soothing facial, it’s a place designed to relieve stress and promote natural beauty.

As you begin laying the groundwork for your personal or commercial spa retreat, you may want to consider the aesthetic and functional advantages of opting for professional travertine installation. Travertine tiles bring proven durability and decorative warmth to nearly any interior or exterior space, so you can be sure your spa will benefit from their unique colors, patterns and textures.

Here are three great reasons you should consider travertine installation when designing your new health spa.

Natural aesthetic
Almost everywhere you go, most spas have one decorative theme in common – natural beauty. Between stone tiles, the soothing scent of potpourri, leafy green plants and flowing water, these health retreats are designed to take you out of the modern world so you can find peace and relaxation in nature.

As you’re enjoying a professional massage or taking a dip in the hot tub, the natural warmth of travertine tiles can help you forget about the stress of daily life and truly relax. Travertine installation also offers a level of decorative customization, so you can pick patterns and color shades that match your design scheme.

Water resistance
Between steam showers, hot tubs, swimming pools and guests sipping on refreshing beverages, there are numerous sources of liquid and moisture to contend with in a spa. Because of this, you need to base these areas around a material that can stand up to spills, splashes, sprays and steam.

When covered with a water-resistant sealant, travertine tiles and travertine pool coping are ideal for decorating spas while also ensuring that your flooring looks great for years to come. These tiles can also be used to enhance the look of walls in bathrooms and showers.

Temperature friendly
Spas often operate in temperature extremes, with patrons frequently enjoying steam baths and hot tubs. Beyond the potential damage caused by moisture, these high temperatures can also cause materials like wood or carpeting to warp or become hot to the touch.

However, travertine installation in your spa can ensure that heat won’t damage your floors or walls. Furthermore, travertine tiles are resistant to heat transfer, which means that guests won’t have to worry about hot tiles in the steam room.

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