Design Ideas, Travertine Installation, Travertine Tile

3 reasons to pick travertine tiles over wood in your kitchen

If you’re considering redesigning a single room in your home, you may want to put your energy into upgrading the look and feel of your kitchen. Often considered the heart and soul of a household, the kitchen serves numerous purposes in daily life, whether it’s a gathering place for friends to share good food, a quiet study area for kids doing homework or a bustling dinner assembly line during holiday meals.

Because of the wear and tear the average kitchen can endure over the years, your interior design project should include a material that is a hardy as it is beautiful. Picking materials with versatile applications can also create a uniform appeal in the room.

Wood and natural stone tiles are popular choices for kitchen flooring and counters. Here are three reasons you should opt for travertine tiles over natural or engineered wood boards for your home.

1. Protection from fire and heat
If you’re constantly whipping up delicious meals in your kitchen, you know how hot it can get. Between the oven, microwave, stove top and toaster oven, there are numerous appliances that generate high temperatures.

Whether it’s from an electric burner or open flame, this heat can pose a danger to the design materials used in your kitchen. Wood counters and flooring may be temperature-resistant to a point, but there is a risk that these surfaces could catch fire or sustain scorching damage. Travertine installation, on the other hand, involves stones that are naturally fireproof and able to repel intense heat.

2. Resistance to water and moisture
On the flip side of kitchens’ propensity toward fire and heat, there is often a lot of liquid being used during cooking and cleaning. Boiling pots of water, pitchers of refreshing iced tea and soapy dishwater are all common sights in a home kitchen, and any spills or overflows can ruin the appearance of wood.

However, travertine tiles are far stronger than wood in terms of dealing with liquid and moisture. Not only will these natural stones repel water, but you can protect them with a special sealant for further peace of mind.

3. Durable against abrasions
Wood is a delicate material that can easily be damaged by heavy and sharp objects, which are quite common in kitchen settings.

To avoid worrying about accidentally slicing into your countertops with a sharp knife or denting the floor after dropping a heavy cooking pot, stick with the proven strength of travertine installation. Thanks to the durability of these tiles, you won’t have to concern yourself with cuts, scrapes and other abrasions that can occur while cooking.

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