Design Ideas, Travertine Tile

How to upgrade your kitchen and boost your home’s resale value

Take a moment to remember the last time you were looking at houses for sale. Whether you were just browsing or you were actually looking for a new home, chances are you were drawn to the kitchen. This room is often the hub of most homes, and it’s one of the major areas that people look at when considering purchasing a house.

If a kitchen looks outdated or seems a bit shabby, many buyers will lose interest quickly. That’s why, if you’re planning to relocate in the near future, you should take the time to ensure that your kitchen is attractive and up to date. That way, you can boost your home’s resale value and make sure buyers aren’t turned off by your kitchen. Here are a few projects to consider.

Upgrade to travertine tile flooring
Flooring is a big deal in the kitchen, according to Rooms in Bloom Home Staging and Design’s blog. That’s because it’s a main focal point of the space and serves to tie all of the elements of the room together. The source noted that buyers are most often attracted to neutral color palettes and materials, which is why travertine tile is your best bet.

Not only are travertine tiles durable and easy to maintain, but they have natural patterns and colors that can complement any type of decor. This will make it easy for buyers to envision their decorations and furniture in your kitchen. When it comes down to it, travertine can elevate the entire kitchen and transform it into a classic, elegant space.

Rethink your cabinets
If your cabinets have seen better days, there are many things you can do to make them look better without installing brand new ones. For example, This Old House magazine recommended painting over dark wood or white cabinets to give them a shiny new finish.

You can also greatly improve the look of your cabinets simply by outfitting them with new hardware. Look for sleek chrome drawer pulls for a modern look or a classic metallic for universal appeal.

Invest in task lighting
There’s nothing worse than a kitchen without adequate lighting, which is one thing that plenty of prospective buyers will notice. To truly make the kitchen an efficient space, plenty of task lighting is necessary.

There should be fixtures above the sink, underneath cabinets and overhead. Of course, natural light is also important, so it’s a good idea to ensure that your windows are free of obstructions and covered with sheer curtains that let sunlight in.

Get more storage space
Buyers are crazy about storage space, and in their eyes, there can never be enough of it. If your kitchen lacks areas where things like cookware, silverware and food items can be placed, it’s time to get creative.

Perhaps you can make the existing pantry a bit bigger by extending the walls, or add built-in shelving around the room to hold miscellaneous items. If you don’t already have an island, it might be time to install one, as they often come with lots of storage space built right in.

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